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The Kingsland Shoe Project

Increase the Life & Look of Your Shoes by 3X

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Our simple, breathable, light-as-air internal structure is designed to quickly provide aerated shoe support at home or on the go. Fresh Flow Shoe Trees' size-specific design truly supports the full toebox, midfoot, vamp, and tongue so shoe materials stay fresh, crisp, and damage free.

Simple to Use
Light as Air
Simple to Use
Light as Air

Why Fresh Flows?

Quickly provide aerated structural protection at home or on the go with Fresh Flows.

  • Added Protection: Leathers and shoe materials sag around heavily creased areas, promoting even
    more structural warping and wear.
  • Size Specific Support: Size specific support provides true toebox, midfoot, vamp, and tongue support.
  • Convenience: Fresh Flow Shoe Trees are simple and quick to use in your dailies.
  • Aeration & Structural Support: Provide internal aeration and structural support to keep shoe materials on point & limit creasing.
  • Versatility: Protect lifestyle footwear anytime, anywhere. Great for travel or the gym.
  • Bacteria & Mold Prevention: Stop bacteria and mold from forming in damp shoes.

Why Use Shoe Trees?

Consistent use of shoe trees immediately after wear is an essential part of keeping shoes & boots clean, uncreased, and odor-free. After wear, shoes need 8-12 hours to fully dry so adding a highly supportive, open structure allows internal & external moisture to properly dry and settle in their original shape.

  • No Shoe Trees: Leathers and shoe materials sag around heavily creased areas, promoting even
    more structural warping and wear.
  • One-size-fits-all shoe trees: Push up on the toebox and back on the heel heel during this drying time to promote more creasing and structural damage to your shoes.
  • Cardboard, socks, rags, or wadded paper: Clogs airflow and promotes bacteria, mold, and shoe odor.
  • Wood: Wood is good, but too expensive and heavy for modern life. It was highly effective when
    your dad stayed home, and only commuted back and forth to work.

Fresh Flows are a highly tested & designed, size-specific internal structure that supports without stretching, allowing shoe materials to dry in their natural shape. Shoe stay fresher, look better, and remain damage free anytime, anywhere with Fresh Flow Shoe Trees.

How to Use

Our simple, breathable, light-as-air internal support structure is designed to quickly slide in and out of all round toe shoes, boots & sneakers. All corners and edges are rounded to ensure effortless use but maximum protection & support.

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